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Town and Gown: Bridging the parking divide with ParkMobile


In cities across the United States, the relationship between town residents and the local university—often referred to as the “town and gown” dynamic—can be complex. These areas experience unique challenges, especially when it comes to managi...

Future-proofing urban mobility: Establishing a paid parking program with ParkMobile


The need for paid parking As urban cores continue to grow, cities face increasing challenges related to parking. Many have traditionally offered free downtown, on-street parking, but this approach often leads to congestion, limited availability, and...

Free to Paid Parking




Case Study

Download the case study Powering fleet operations at scale with streamlined fleet management Background Archkey/Mona is an industry-leading electrical, technologies, and specialty systems service provider. They’ve been involved in many major pro...

Columbus, Ohio

Case Study

Download the case study Embracing smart parking technology to run asset light Background The City of Columbus is the state capital of Ohio, a bustling metropolis with a rich history and home to a diverse range of businesses. The city has a populat...

Asbury Park, New Jersey

Case Study

Download the case study Driving growth and customer choice with a multi-solution approach Background Asbury Park is a vibrant coastal city of about 15,000 permanent residents located in Monmouth County in central New Jersey. Despit...

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Norwalk, Connecticut

See How the Pittsburgh Parking Authority Revolutionized Their Parking System

See How San Leandro Increased Parking Monthly Transactions by 900% with ParkMobile

Texas A&M University

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You can also pay for zone parking and reservation parking by downloading the ParkMobile app

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Reserve parking and pay for zone parking by downloading the ParkMobile App